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Help: Bibliographic and Text Data Fields

The number in front of the field (if there is one) is called the International agreed Number for the Identification of (bibliographic) Data code (INID code). INID codes are international standards that identify the type of element in a patent document. These codes are the same for patent documents around the world.

The following bibliographic and text data fields are stored on the CIPO Canadian Patents Database and are displayed on request:

Table of Contents

  • (57) Abstract

    A single paragraph describing the invention.

    The ABSTRACT field applies only to applications open to public inspection and patents granted on or after August 15, 1978. For the period starting on December 10, 1974, the abstract can be viewed from the abstract image section.

    CIPO receives abstracts in both official languages from WIPO as they are filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). However, on occasion, modifications are made to applications after the initial filing. This could lead to discrepancies on the database as no updates are made.

  • (74) Agent

    The name of the patent agent or patent agent company that represented the owner in front of the Patent Office.

  • Allowed

    The Patent Office issued a Notice of Allowance.

  • (71) Applicants

    The APPLICANTS field is composed of the name of the applicants at the time the application was filed at CIPO. It also includes the country/territory of origin of each applicant.

  • (21) Application Number

    The number assigned to an application when it is filed at CIPO. For an application filed on or after October 1, 1989, the number assigned to the application, the patent and the document is the same. Thus, the application number for an application is displayed only for those filed prior to October 1, 1989.

  • (30) Application Priority Data

    Canada is a signatory to international treaties and conventions which grant similar rights throughout many countries. An applicant may use the filing date of a previously filed application as the effective filing date of subject matter in a later filed Canadian application provided that:

    1. the previously filed application was filed in Canada or in a country recognized by Canada through treaty or convention for the purpose of priority claims;
    2. the previously filed application contains subject matter found in the later filed application; and
    3. the later filed application is filed within 12 months of the previously filed application.

    This field gives the priority application(s) related to the Canadian application. The order of appearance is: priority number, priority country and priority date.

    A patent document may have multiple priorities. Only the earliest priority is searchable but all priorities will be displayed.

  • Approved for Allowance

    The patent examiner approved the patent application. The Patent Office is in the process of preparing the Notice of Allowance.

  • Approved for Conditional Allowance

    Approved for Conditional Allowance.

  • Availability of Licence

    This field indicates whether the owner is willing to sell or license the rights to the patent. Since this data is voluntarily supplied by the owner, "N/A" means either No Licence Available or Data Not Given. Also, since owners may change their minds, further enquiries to the owner of the patent may be required to obtain a definitive answer.

  • Claims

    The date an application becomes a patent.

    A section that defines monopoly on novelty, and forms the substance of the intellectual property that is to be protected by the patent.

    The CLAIMS field applies only to applications open to public inspection and patents granted on or after August 15, 1978. The whole claims on patent documents on this site can be viewed on the claims image section.

  • Compliant

    The application contains the required information relating to entitlement and inventorship as well as the required parts of the application.

  • Conditionally Allowed

    The Patent Office has issued a Conditional Notice of Allowance.

  • Request for Continued Examination Required

    A request for continued examination request is required in order for examination of the application to continue.

  • Court Order
    Court Order Number

    The reference number or docket number given to the court order by the court.

    Court Order Name

    The name of the court that issued the court order.

    Date Received

    The date the Canadian Intellectual Property Office received a copy of the court order.


    A brief description of the court order created by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office.

  • Dead

    The application is deemed abandoned and was not reinstated before the deadline to reinstate the application.

  • Dedicated to Public

    The patent is dedicated to the public.

  • Deemed Expired

    Prior to Oct, 30 2019 - The day at the end of which the patent term expired, pursuant to subsection 46(2) of the Patent Act, for failure to pay maintenance fees (this applies only to patents issued after October 1, 1989).

    On or after Oct 30, 2019 - The day the patent is deemed to have expired. The date of deemed expiry is retroactive to the original maintenance fee due date under subsection 46(4) of the Patent Act and section 113 of the Patent Rules.

  • (11) Document Number

    On October 1, 1989, a new Patent Act came into effect. Therefore:

    1. For patents that were originally filed before October 1, 1989, the document number is the patent number and the application number is different. In this case, the document will display the application number distinctly.
    2. For applications filed on or after October 1, 1989, the document number will be 2,000,000 or greater and will be the same as the application and patent numbers.
  • (12) Document Type

    The type of document could be a patent or a patent application.

  • (54) English/French Titles

    The name of the invention as provided by the applicant, or as translated by CIPO. All patent documents on this site have both English and French titles, except between 1960 and 1978, where only the filed version title is available.

  • Examination Requested

    A compliant request for examination was made.

  • Expired

    The term limited for the duration of the patent has expired.

  • (22) Filed

    The date the patent application was filed. If it is PCT originating application, then it is the same date as the PCT filing date.

    On this site, for divisional patents, where the application was filed before October 1, 1989, the date recorded as the filing date may be the date the divisional application was received, rather then the legal filing date of the parent application.

  • Final Action

    A Final Action report was sent to the applicant.

  • Final Fee

    The applicant paid the final fee, however, the Patent Office is not preparing to grant and issue the patent due to an administrative delay.

  • Granted

    The patent was granted on the basis of the patent application.

  • (51) International Patent Classification (IPC)

    The system used by the international community to classify inventions by type. It has been used in Canada since August 15, 1978. CIPO adopts the most recent version of the International Patent Classification (IPC-2006) which can be consulted on the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Web Site.

    The following example shows how the "advanced" level of IPC-2006 classification symbols appear. Classifications are followed by the "version" date in brackets. Classifications with inventive information appear in bold and italic. Classifications with additional useful non-inventive information appear in normal italic. Only the classification is searchable on the Canadian Patents Database.

    Table showing examples of advanced level of IPC-2006 International Patent Classification symbols
    Type of Information IPC Symbol Example
    Advanced level inventive information B28B 12/9 (2006.03)
    Advanced level additional non-inventive information H05B 3/18 (2007.06)
  • (72) Inventors

    The INVENTORS field is composed of the names of each person who had a part in making the invention. It also contains the country/territory of origin of each inventor.

    The Canadian Patents Database displays the complete list of the inventors but does not necessarily reflect the sequence order provided in the petition. The inventors' sequence order provided in the image section of the cover page reflects the order contained in the petition.

  • (45) Issued

    The date an application becomes a patent.

  • (25) Language of Filing

    This field indicates whether the document is available in English or French. The LANGUAGE OF FILING field applies only to applications open to public inspection and patents granted on or after August 15, 1978.

  • Non-PCT Non-Compliant

    The application is missing one or more of: the required parts of the application, information relating to entitlement, information relating to inventorship.

  • (41) Open to Public Inspection

    Patent applications filed since October 1, 1989, are open to public inspection.

    Applications filed on or after October 1, 1989, are made available to the public 18 months after the priority date, or, if there is no priority, 18 months after the filed date, unless the applicant has requested an earlier open to public inspection date.

    If the application is PCT originating, then the open to public inspection date will normally be the same as the (87) PCT publication date.

  • (73) Owners

    On or after October 1, 1989, the OWNERS field is composed of the name of the latest owner(s) registered at CIPO. It also includes the country/territory of origin of each owner.

    Prior to August 15, 1978, the OWNERS field is composed of the name of the grantee owner(s).

    During a transition stage, which is between August 15, 1978 to October 1, 1989, the OWNERS field is composed by default of the grantee owner(s); however, if a new assignment occurred after October 1, 1989, the name of the latest owner(s) will appear.

    Note: For the patent issued, the grantee owner(s) is always displayed in the image section of the cover page.

  • PCT Non-Compliant

    The PCT application is missing one or more of: the required parts of the application, information relating to entitlement, information relating to inventorship.

  • Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)

    YES indicates that the application was filed through the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). The PCT is an international treaty providing standardized filing procedures for foreign patents in the countries that have signed the treaty. The following fields are displayed only when the patent document is a PCT: (85) National Entry, (86) PCT Filing Number, (86) PCT Filing Date, (87) International Publication Number, (87) International Publication Date.

    (85) National Entry

    The date that a PCT originating application entered the Canadian national phase.

    (86) PCT Filing Number, Date

    The number and the date assigned by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to a patent application at the time it is filed in the PCT system.

    (87) International Publication Number, PCT Publication Date

    The number and the date assigned by the World Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO) to an application filed through the PCT when the application becomes open to public inspection.

  • Pre-Grant

    The applicant paid the final fee. The Patent Office is preparing to grant and issue the patent.

  • Re-examination Certificate

    The date that a re-examination certificate has been issued for a patent, with changes to the patent as originally issued.

  • Reissued

    The date that the patent was reissued after the original patent was surrendered by the patentee. For patents that were filed on or after October 1,1989, the number remains the same as the original patent. For patents that were filed before October 1,1989, the patent reissues with a new number. In both cases the term of the patent remains the same as the original patent.

    A reissue can occur occasionally and under strict conditions, when a patentee surrenders what is believed to be a defective patent to the Patent Office in order to have the defect fixed. The surrendered patent undergoes further examination and may subsequently be re-allowed and reissued.

    On extremely rare occasions a patent document may have multiple reissued dates. This site displays only the last reissue date. In order to determine if the patent has been reissued more than once, the cover page image of the patent must be accessed.

  • Report sent

    An examination report was sent to the applicant.

  • Representative Drawing

    A single figure which represents the drawing illustrating the invention.

  • Surrendered

    The patent was surrendered and reissued with a new patent number.

  • Withdrawn

    The application was withdrawn at the request of the applicant or is considered withdrawn after the application fee and late fee were not submitted on time in relation to a Notice under subsection 27(7) of the Patent Act.